We visited Mara who is in the Peace Corps in Zambia. We drove from the capital Lusaka all the way up to Lake Tanganyika and then took a boat to a beautiful lodge on the side of the lake. From our lodge i could look at Tanzania and the Congo. Here's mom, Mara and I on the boat on the way to the lodge.
This was the beach in front of our bungalow on the lake shore with palm trees!
Mara and I really enjoyed the beach and swimming in the lake.
Mara and I giving dad a cuddle on the beach.
We also had a lot of fun in the water and kayaking.
I also made friends with the kids who lived near the resort.
Next we visited the city of Kasama and then we drove to Chanda Mukulu which was the village where Mara was working in Northern Province. Here we are walking to Mara's house with her suitcases.
This was her house
It doesn't look like much on the outside but was nice and cozy inside.
This was her bathroom which daddy tried out.